Let’s Face It, Trumpkins, He’s Been Scamming You From The Beginning (VIDEO)

President-elect Donald Trump made lots of promises to his RWNJ supporters. Now he is walking back on some of these promises. If you supported him, you may end up disappointed.

Many of his supporters fall into the white, working-class demographic. They all believed that he would really “Make America Great Again.” They ignored all of his bigotry and racism because they thought he would really make their lives better.

The Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty reported:

“President-elect Donald Trump abruptly abandoned some of his most tendentious campaign promises Tuesday, saying he does not plan to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email system or the dealings of her family foundation, has an ‘open mind’ about a climate-change accord from which he vowed to withdraw the United States and is no longer certain that torturing terrorism suspects is a good idea.”

Trump also promised to cut back on his involvement with his businesses and his foreign financial holdings. He hasn’t done that yet either. This could create a major conflict of interest when he’s president.

He promised to build the wall at the Mexican border. He promised to bring back everyone’s jobs. He promised to turn the economy around.

If former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won, you would be getting a higher minimum wage and overtime pay. Trump is not going to get you those things.

Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare. He can’t just take away insurance from 20 million people. That would be ridiculous.

He has also mentioned women being punished for getting abortions.

His speeches were word salad with some of these points mixed in. He does know how to fire up a crowd, but those some of these people may regret buying into his BS.

Sorry, Trump voters. He played you all.

Here is an MSNBC news clip about Trump supporters:

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com