The 7 Best Memes About Pres. Trump (TWEETS/VIDEO)

We all know how the internet loves a good meme. Here are some of the best about at the moment. If you are a fan of Donald Trump (and that’s unlikely if you are perusing the LA website) you may want to look away right now!

1) The 300

As a modern man who is in touch with his feminine side.

Also comfortable in his sexuality I have no problem with admitting that Gerard Butler playing Leonidas in the 300 isn’t the least sexy thing in the world (if you know what I mean!) However when you replace his head and words with Donald Trump. I’m very conflicted right now.

2) The Dark Knight

This is genius.

It is so cleverly done. Trump plays a host of characters from the Bat Man movies and his inappropriateness is as evident in these clips as it has been in real life. This is a must-see video.

3) Darth Trump

Rebels, Mexicans, it’s all pretty much the same, right?

This parody sees Trump take the mantle of the Dark Lord of the Sith. His subordinates are trying in vain to find the death star plans but Darth Trump seems only interested in defending his relations with China. This is especially worth a watch if you are a fan of Star Wars.

4) Pumpkin Trumpkin

trump meme
Image By Reddit User Im_Ready_I_Am Via Redditblog


To scream or not to scream…

A hilarious set of pictures of a Pumpkin that looks like Donald Trump. I’ve affectionately named this image a Trumpkin.

5) Donald Is A Dick

trump meme
Image by homopower via Metro.


See what they did there?

This picture says, in essence, what so many of us Liberals have been thinking. Look at the small images…

6) Loyalty

This one was probably a little more relevant on election day, but it’s funny nonetheless

7) It’s An Older Meme But It Checks Out


Image Via Daily Mail.
Image Via Daily Mail.

And Finally…

This oldie, but goody gave me a massive smile.

8. Bonus Meme!

Right on the money.

Featured Image: Screenshot Via Twitter.

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