Garrison Keillor Warns Trump Supporters: His Disasters Will Fall On You Most Of All

Author and radio host Garrison Keillor has a word of warning for those who voted for Donald Trump and helped him become the 45th President of the United States: Careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

In an opinion piece he wrote for the Washington Post, Keillor began with this much-needed wisdom:

“So he won. The nation takes a deep breath. Raw ego and proud illiteracy have won out, and a severely learning-disabled man with a real character problem will be president. We are so exhausted from thinking about this election, millions of people will take up leaf-raking and garage cleaning with intense pleasure. We liberal elitists are wrecks. The Trumpers had a whale of a good time, waving their signs, jeering at the media, beating up protesters, chanting ‘Lock her up’ — we elitists just stood and clapped. Nobody chanted ‘Stronger Together.’ It just doesn’t chant.”

And Keillor reminds Trump supporters that they own the new Commander-in-Chief, and that means they get to suffer just like everyone else they accuse of being a member of whatever “elite” they see Democrats and progressives belonging to. The disasters President Trump will bring to the United States will “fall more heavily on them than anyone else.” The “uneducated white males” who so fervently supported Trump will not like what happens next, he adds, reminding us all that, “Resentment is no excuse for bald-faced stupidity.”

What of the progressives and liberals? Keillor says we still have things to do:

“We liberal elitists are now completely in the clear. The government is in Republican hands. Let them deal with him. Democrats can spend four years raising heirloom tomatoes, meditating, reading Jane Austen, traveling around the country, tasting artisan beers, and let the Republicans build the wall and carry on the trade war with China and deport the undocumented and deal with opioids, and we Democrats can go for a long , brisk walk and smell the roses.”

Most of all, Keillor reminds us we should celebrate the truly good things about this great country:

“Back to real life. I went up to my home town the other day and ran into my gym teacher, Stan Nelson, looking good at 96. He commanded a landing craft at Normandy on June 6, 1944, and never said a word about it back then, just made us do chin-ups whether we wanted to or not. I saw my biology teacher Lyle Bradley, a Marine pilot in the Korean War, still going bird-watching in his 90s. I was not a good student then, but I am studying both of them now. They have seen it all and are still optimistic. The past year of politics has taught us absolutely nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada. The future is scary. Let the uneducated have their day. I am now going to pay more attention to teachers.”

Featured Image Via Garrison Keillor