Donald Trump Thinks The Internet Is Rigged Against Him (VIDEO)

Donald Trump seems to be on a crusade to substantiate his claims of a rigged election and insists that the media is supporting Hillary Clinton. Over the weekend, Trump called out Google, Twitter, Facebook, and basically the whole damn internet for burying any negative news associated with Clinton.

The past couple of weeks, Trump has been telling us that the election cycle is rigged against him, that Saturday Night Live has a hit job out for him, and that corporate media has a vested interest in making sure that Clinton becomes president.

Media Is Suppressing Negative News, According To Donald Trump

According to him, these tech companies are suppressing negative news stemming from a recent investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. It’s not clear what part of the recently reignited investigation is being suppressed, but there is already a media fury around Clinton and her email use. Every stone is being turned with this investigation, so it seems a bit strange that Trump thinks that certain aspects of the investigation are being hidden from public view.

Newsflash: Social Media Is Not News Media

Trump tends to speak about Facebook and Twitter as if they were an actual news organization. Just like how the television changed the way that the nation consumes the news, social media is simply a platform where news is gathered – they aren’t actual news corporations. Facebook is on the record saying that it doesn’t change rankings of news stories to influence user opinion, nor does it tweak rankings to favor one political candidate over another.

What do you think? Do you think the election cycle is rigged?


Featured image from C-Span video.

Core competencies are in business administration and urban development, but an avid political writer, activist, and radical centrist at night. Not politically correct, but not a degenerate. I write about things that interest me - hopefully, they'll interest you.