How Kellyanne Conway Handles Trump – ‘Dutifully Defending’ The Indefensible? (VIDEO)

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been through a few campaign managers in the last year-and-a-half of campaigning. The latest, Kellyanne Conway, is the first woman to run any Republican presidential campaign.

We have been seeing her on television a lot lately. She cleans up the mess from Trump’s scandals. However, she doesn’t see her job that way.

She said:

“I think it’s unfair to say I’m always dutifully defending him. I look at my job, Dana, as explaining positions on issues, why he’s running for president and why people should vote for him.”

When asked about her gender being a reason she was chosen to run Trump’s campaign, she said:

“I wasn’t hired because of my gender. But it’s a special responsibility. I want to do right, apart from my gender — I want to do right as a campaign manager.”

Part of her job as campaign manager is to keep Trump on-script during his speeches. He was giving a speech in Gettysburg about the environment. However, he talked about the women accusing him of sexual assault and how he will sue them when the election is over instead.

She insists that she is harder on Trump in private. She chastised him for going off script. When he asked why, she pointed out how close the election is, and she really does want him to win.

She has dealt with a lot of flack over Trump and the many scandalous comments he has made. When asked about the pageant contestants who accused Trump of spying on them in the dressing room, Conway said:

“The fact is that all you want to do, it seems, is talk about something he said ten, 15 years ago and, yet, we never, ever want to talk — particularly CNN where we offered up these women to you — we never want to talk to the women shamed and blamed by Hillary Clinton because they had sexual contact with her husband. Some consensual long-time affairs including in the White House and others, victims of predatory conduct. That somehow is not relevant. But Donald Trump on Howard Stern’s show is relevant.”

I guess she has learned to deflect the media just as well as Trump does. Watch Conway defend Trump’s poll percentage’s:

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.

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