Hannity The Hack Pretended A National Enquirer Report On Hillary Was Actually News (VIDEO)

Sean Hannity is very very worried. You see, he can tell that the 2016 race is slipping away from Donald Trump and that Republicans stand to lose control of the Senate and even the House depending on the length of Hillary Clinton’s coattails, and that scares the crap out of him.

How concerned is Hannity. So concerned that last night on his show he spent a full 17 minutes featuring a story from the tabloid rag National Enquirer as if it was verifiable fact and news, which it most certainly isn’t.

Hannity’s guest was Jeff Rovin, an author and biographer who has also worked for the right-wing Weekly World News. Rovin claims he was a “fixer” for the Clintons who allegedly worked “24/7 to silence any hint of a scandal surrounding the couple.” According to the Enquirer report:

“For years, Rovin set up illicit trysts for Hillary, with men AND women. Bill‘s sleazy affairs, meanwhile, were quickly and efficiently covered up with payoffs, blackmail and more.”

Rovin told Hannity there were plans by the Clintons to go after Monica Lewinsky and that payments were arranged to reporters to guarantee scandalous facts were never revealed. Rovin also claims that it was an “open secret” that Hillary Clinton was in a romantic relationship with Vince Foster. Neither he or the Enquirer provided any actual facts to substantiate these claims, because rags like the National Enquirer don’t deal in facts, they only print the biggest lies they can think up.

None of this is the least bit surprising when you consider that it comes from Sean Hannity, who has been kissing Donald Trump’s ass since Trump became the frontrunner and won the GOP nomination. Hannity is Trump’s unofficial media pimp, determined to spread whatever lies he can dream up in order to get the Orange Menace elected. Imagine how sad he’s going to be when Trump gets steamrolled in two weeks.

Next thing you know, Hannity will feature a segment on his show which claims space aliens are real and only Donald Trump can communicate with them. Hey, Sean, no wonder your ratings are going down the toilet, along with your candidate’s poll numbers.


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