Christian Couple Leaves Horribly Sexist Note For Waitress (VIDEO)

A South Carolina waitress not only didn’t get a tip, but she got some unsolicited advice from these customers.

They told her that she provided excellent service, but they got really sexist, really quickly. They told her that women belong in the home, and that she shouldn’t be:

“… looking for handouts to feed your family.”

Yes, because every waitress is looking for handouts. Having a job doesn’t mean you are looking for handouts. We all need to work so we can pay to live. She is working hard to provide you, her customers, with food.

The waitress said the couple was nice to her while she was serving them, and that:

“I have never been married, and have no children. I have a very loving and supportive boyfriend who has been by my side as I have been working and trying to further my education.”

That is one of many reasons that we should not judge women who work. It’s 2016, women don’t have to stay in the kitchen. We can go to school. We can do whatever we want to.

The note read:

“Here’s your tip:”

“The woman’s place is in the home. Your place is in the home. It even says so in the Bible. You may think that you’re contributing to your household by coming into work, but you’re not. While you’re in here ‘working’ this is the reason your husband must see another woman on his way home from a long day at his work. Because you should be home taking care of the household duties, you may think what you are doing ‘working’ is right, it is really essentially a disgrace to his manhood and to the American family. So instead of coming to your ‘job’ and looking for handouts to feed your family, how’s about going home and cleaning your house and cooking a hot meal for your husband and children, the way your husband and God intended, and help make America great again. Praying for families and our nation.”

They ended the letter with “Make America Great Again.” That would explain their stupid, sexist ways; they must be Trump supporters.

That old couple needs to get their heads out of 1952. Some women want to work. Some women have to work. It’s not right to judge a woman in that way.

Also, if the woman’s place is supposed to be staying at home, why are they dining out? Shouldn’t they be eating the dinner that she made that day? Being sexist and a hypocrite isn’t a good way to be. I hope they know who they are and are ashamed at how nasty this note is.

Here is a reaction video to this note:

Featured image via by Tim Dorr via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog