WATCH: Ben Carson Demands Female Reporter’s Mic Be Turned Off For Asking About Trump Abuse

Women continue to come forward, alleging they have been sexually assaulted by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. He and his supporters are doing everything they can to silence the voices being raised against him.

Former Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson has done so in the most direct and ineffective way possible.

Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, BBC World News America reporter Katty Kay asked Dr. Carson whether or not he believed the women who claim Donald Trump assaulted them are lying. Carson attempted to dodge by continuing a bizarre train metaphor instead of answering the question.

Kay and host Joe Scarborough would not allow Carson to dodge the question and tried to get him back on topic. Carson then repeatedly yelled “Stop!” and demanded Kay’s microphone be turned off:

Kay: ‘You seem to suggest this morning in your interview with the description of the first class cabin and in previous interviews that these women are lying. The real reason women who have been sexually abused don’t come forward to talk about their stories is precisely this, all too much they’re accused of being liars. Are you saying these women are lying?’

Carson: ‘That’s your characterization, because you need to characterize it that way to try to make me the bad guy. But here’s the fact-“

Kay and Scarborough interrupt Carson to try to get an answer from him when this happens:

“Carson: ‘Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop stop stop stop stop.’

Scarborough: ‘It’s a simple question. Don’t tell me to stop. It’s a simple question.’

Carson: ‘Hey, can you turn her microphone off, please? Turn her microphone off so I can talk.'”

Everyone shuts Carson down, emphatically stating,”No!” almost immediately after his request is made.

After the segment ends, Kay and Scarborough attempt to make sense of the situation:

“Scarborough: ‘Still trying to figure out what just happened, Katty, especially given the topic. For him to say turn off your microphone.’

Kay: ‘I don’t think I’ve ever interviewed anybody who’s said that I should have my microphone turned off. That’s censorship, a form of censorship. In response to a very simple question.’

Scarborough: ‘Which he never answered.’

Kay: ‘Which he never answered.'”

After the broadcast, Kay took to Twitter and she was BRILLIANT:

To watch the whole exchange with Carson, check out the clip below. He discusses airplanes, imagines Trump as a train conductor, and says we should “throw out” experts in complex fields like economics. Truly bizarre.

And here are Kay and Scarborough trying to figure out what Dr. Carson was talking about:

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