WATCH: Trump Laughs As He Admits ‘It’s True’ To Being A Sexual Predator

The Howard Stern Show may wind up being Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s undoing. Trump’s presidential campaign continues to unravel as more and more stories of his lewd behavior pop up.

His attacks against women’s looks are well-documented, and his pervy visits to the changing room of the Miss Universe pageant no longer seem shocking. Women are starting to come forward with stories of being assaulted by Trump, and the damning tape of him bragging about “grabbing women by the pussy” has caused Republicans to flee his campaign en masse.

An old visit to The Howard Stern Show could cause even more problems as Trump struggles to defend himself against all these accusations.

Appearing on the show in 2006 with his daughter Ivanka, and son Donald Jr., to promote The Apprentice, Trump participated in this odd exchange:

“Stern: ‘Donald, do you ever discuss sex with your daughter?’

Trump: ‘No.”‘

Stern: ‘You do not?’

Trump: ‘No.’

Ivanka: ‘And I have a feeling we’re not going to here.’

Stern: ‘Maybe we need to bring this up Donald, seriously. You know about sexual predators and things like that. I mean-

Robin Quivers (Stern’s co-host): ‘You are one!’ [the room begins laughing]

Trump: [nodding and laughing] ‘It’s true.'”

In addition to just being a creepy exchange, this could be the type of statement that haunts Trump long after he loses the election.

If any criminal charges are brought against Trump for his alleged assaults, it would be difficult for him to fight against video evidence of him admitting to being a sexual predator, even if it was said in a joking fashion.

You can watch the entire interview below. The exchange occurs at 21:45. For another great exchange, watch the Trump clan try to solve a simple math problem 14:24.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump and his surrogates repeatedly call him a “genius.”

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