WATCH: Trump Lovin’ Michele Bachmann Takes Another Detour Off Of Reality Road

Although I’ve read the children’s book “Alice in Wonderland” more than once, I have never actually fallen down the proverbial rabbit hole.

As we’ve all noticed, though, most super conservative right wing nutburgers regularly drop into the land of the loopies. Reality for these people is as bendable and stretchable as taffy.

Take Michele Bachmann, for example.

Please take her.

The former Republican Congresswoman from Minnesota and one time presidential contender has once again taken a detour off of Reality Road.

She told the radio show “Stand in the Gap,” which runs on the American Pastors Network, that Christian voters should vote for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

That part isn’t so surprising. She is, after all, a Republican.

It’s her reasoning that lets us know how completely delusional she is.

Bachmann told the radio listeners that those sneaky Democrats were trying to use Trump’s “lewd, crude remarks” to get people to vote for Clinton.

Well, duh.

Then she said that a Clinton presidency would be far worse for women than a Trump presidency, because under Hillary Clinton there would be so many more sexual assaults.

No. I am not making this up.

The crazy eyed Michele Bachmann actually said this:

“I believe that Hillary Clinton will set a standard in this country that will lead to more sexual assaults against women because she will be setting an anti-biblical agenda.”

It takes a special kind of crazy to convince yourself that Jesus would prefer a sex obsessed, money grabbing, lying, egomaniacal, predator over a woman with an unfaithful husband. It takes a truly mind boggling level of self-delusion to claim that a liberal agenda of improved education, health care for everyone and protection of the environment is somehow “anti-Christian.”

Just as I have never been down Alice’s rabbit hole, I have also never been out to dinner with Jesus. Nevertheless, I’m pretty sure that if he were here today he’d have quite a lot to say about Donald Trump’s genital grabbing agenda.

I’ll also go out on a limb and say that I think Jesus would be less than thrilled to have the delusional Ms. Bachmann claiming to be on his team.

If this lady is sane, I’ll eat my woman card.

Featured image via YouTube Screengrab.


Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"