GOP Candidate: Let’s Hand Out ‘Kool Aid, KFC And Watermelons’ In Harlem (VIDEO)

Now for something else rude, offense and racist! And no, this time we are not talking about the Republican nominee for President Donald Trump. But this fellow party member just stepped down to the demagogue’s level.

Jon Girodes is the GOP candidate running for a New York state senate seat, and the famous New York neighborhood of Harlem is in his potential district. You know, one of the most famous historically black neighborhoods in America. Mr. Girodes sent an email to a local news station stating that he was going to go into Harlem and offer the residents “Kool Aid, KFC and watermelons” at a campaign event.

“Ps I’m hosting an event in Harlem which will be in front of the state building in a few weeks. We will [donate] Kool Aid, KFC and watermelons to the public on 125th street in Harlem.”

Girodes is speaking of the offensive stereotype that everyone in the African-American community is fond of those three food products. It’s not just racist, it’s super racist. But Mr. Girodes sees nothing wrong with his planned gesture and continued:

“What I think is anyone who gives free food to people is doing them a favor… Get a bunch of people who say it’s offensive and let me go into their neighborhood and give it out for free and see if they take it.” 


When the local news team went out into the community to get reactions, they were not positive. Resident Tyrone Nero said:

“It’s racist. Whoever he is, I think he should go back in whatever hole he crawled in and have a great life.”

Safe to say he won’t get too many votes there, I’d say. According to the local news report Girodes ran previously for the same seat and lost, and is not backed by the New York State Senate Republican Campaign Committee. After they broke the news, Girodes’ campaign website and social media pages mysteriously disappeared.

Good riddance.

Watch the report here:

Featured image from YouTube video.