Manterruption Count: This Is How Many Times Trump Interrupted Clinton During 2nd Debate (VIDEO)

There were a whole lot of cringe worthy moments in the second presidential debate. There was scary moments when Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump seemed to loom over his opponent like a horror movie killer.

There was the usual lack of factual information, as in Trump’s assertion that the Russians are working against ISIS in Syria.

The endless sniffling and snuffling from the Republican choice certainly stuck out.

Maybe the strongest impression that was left on the audience, though, was Donald Trump’s absolute lack of basic manners.

While Secretary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, was composed and calm, her opponent relied on his excellent skill in insulting and interruption. Even the moderator, Anderson Cooper, had to remind Trump not to talk over the Secretary while she was attempting to answer questions.

As we all know, though, Trump not only lacks manners, he also lacks self-control.

Trump’s interruptions were mostly his typical, immature one liners. The kind of interruptions that you hear in the fourth grade.

For example, when Clinton was trying to answer a question about her emails (again…), Trump kept interrupting. When reminded by the moderator not to interrupt his opponent because she hadn’t interrupted him, Trump snapped:

“Because you’ve got nothing to say.”

So deep and meaningful. It truly is incredibly similar to what elementary school teachers hear every day from the kids. The presidential version of “I know you are, but what am I?”

Twitter, of course, had a field day with #manterruption. There were various counts out there comparing the two candidates. In every case, Trump came out on top in terms of the number of times he interrupted his opponent.

It honestly is difficult to explain how obnoxious Trump’s behavior on stage was last night. For someone who has been defending himself from charges of sexual assault, he sure doesn’t understand the optics of a big man looming over a small woman. He certainly doesn’t seem to understand that it takes a big mouthed bully to continually interrupt someone he doesn’t like.

Can you even try to imagine Donald Trump in a diplomatic meeting with other world leaders? Can you picture him managing the nuances of international relations when he can’t even get himself to sit back and listen for two minutes during a debate?

The last debate is certainly going to be interesting, don’t you think?

Look at his face. Yikes.

Featured image via YouTube Screengrab.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"