4 Reasons Boycotting The Vote Because You Hate Both Candidates Is Unpatriotic (VIDEO)

This election season has just been a clusterf**k of scandals. Every day we hear about some now horrible thing coming out of the orange, sphincter-shaped mouth of Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.

The fact that we are even considering a reality star for president is scary enough. This man is just utterly unfit to lead the country. He can barely lead his own businesses.

Register to vote:

Many people are giving up and saying that they are not voting at all. I understand the frustration, but there is too much at stake to ignore this election season. Donald Trump would destroy the country if elected. Voting is the only way to stop him. Here are some of the things at stake in this election:

1. Healthcare

Do you like that great, cheap insurance from the Marketplace? You can kiss that goodbye if Trump gets elected. He and the rest of the GOP would love to see Obamacare go away. However, they don’t have a decent plan to replace it. They are just giving into the pharmaceutical drug companies. Healthcare charges in this country are ridiculous. It will get worse if we take away Obamacare. The pre-existing condition restrictions will come back if the Affordable Care Act is repealed. If you have any chronic illnesses, you will be unable to get health coverage. He will be kicking millions of people out of the market if he gets elected. He wants to slash the budget for Medicaid, so people on that are screwed. This will also kick anybody who is using Obamacare insurance from the Marketplace.

2. Supreme Court

Last year, we lost Justice Antonin Scalia from the Supreme Court. For the last year, the court has been operating with only eight justices. President Obama nominated someone, but the Republican-led Senate won’t confirm him. The next president could possibly be nominating up to six justices.

President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to take Scalia’s place. Republicans were accusing Obama of nominating justices as a “lame duck.” Technically, his presidency doesn’t end until after the election. He is perfectly within his rights to nominate someone. We can’t have the Supreme Court tip to the right side of the aisle.

3. Women’s Rights

Donald Trump has been anti-woman for his whole life. He is a sexist, misogynist, pig. His most recent campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, said that rape wouldn’t happen if women were “stronger.” At the first presidential debate, Trump got into hot water over a scandal with a former Miss Universe winner, Alicia Machado. He called her “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping.” Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton brought it up to point out his blatant sexism.

It’s not just Trump, the GOP wants to get rid of women’s rights according to its platform. They want to take us back decades. They believe that every family should have a mom and dad who are married. They say that we have “lost” faith and family life.

4. Freedom of Religion

The GOP wants to turn us into a theocracy. If you are not a Christian, then you definitely need to vote blue, so we don’t lose our right to freely practice our beliefs or lack thereof. As an atheist, this is particularly scary because many Christians hate atheists. Donald Trump has even called out non-Christians during one of his rallies.

Joss Whedon, television genius, has made his own ad with a “sh*t-ton” of famous people urging you to vote:


Featured image via Twitter.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com