WATCH: Trump Camp Answers Tax Question With… Hillary Cheated On Bill

For months, we’ve been wondering why Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump hasn’t released any of his tax returns. This is something that presidential candidates have been doing for decades.

The New York Times got a hold of some documents about Trump’s taxes. On his 1995 tax return, he reported a loss of $916 million. A tax loophole says that he probably didn’t have to pay taxes on that loss.

Trump said he’s a genius for not paying taxes.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, the topic turned toward Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her marriage. Trump went after Clinton’s marriage in an unhinged rant as the tax information was being released in an attempt to deflect the news.

Trump actually accused her of being unfaithful to her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

Tapper said:

“Donald Trump launched a wild and unsubstantiated attack against Hillary Clinton last night.”

Tapper then asked if this was acceptable behavior for a presidential candidate. Giuliani said:

“After she called him a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobic — I don’t know — schizophrenic and I don’t know what else she called him. I think it’s fair game.”

Tapper angrily shot back:

“Just to make stuff up? Just to make stuff up? Wild accusations, Hillary Clinton is cheating on Bill? No proof of it whatsoever. Everything’s fair game?”

Giuliani said:

“Bill Clinton has quite a past and Hillary Clinton has done quite a job on attacking people who were victims of Bill Clinton.”

Tapper said:

“I mean, I just find it hard to believe that Mr. Trump would want to start leveling accusations about people’s marriages.”

Tapper also said that these accusations are “indefensible.”

Giuliani has just gotten particularly disgusting lately.

Watch the interview with Giuliani here:

Featured image via Youtube screenshot.

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