Hannity Tries His Hand At Prophecy, Declares ‘America Lives Or Dies’ On November 8 (AUDIO)

Sean Hannity is very worried. He can see that Donald Trump lacks focus and is losing the election. So hack wannabe reporter that he is, the Fox News host is sounding the alarm on his radio show.

Yesterday on his show, Hannity told his listeners:

“I’ve repeated myself. I do it every day. I try to point out what is of substance  every single day on this program and what’s at stake in this election. And I’m going to tell you something, I don’t know how people are going to end up voting. I don’t have a clue who is going to win in 39 days.”

Allow us to enlighten you on the matter, Sean: According to the polls out of every state, Hillary Clinton will win with 300+ electoral votes, totally swamping the Orange Menace.

Then Chicken Little Hannity decided to try his hand at prophecy, ominously saying:

“I’ve tried to warn the country about Obama. I tried. Didn’t I try? I gave it everything. I gave it so much that people love me–my friends said I was dead, I was ruining my career but I didn’t care, and I know I’m out on a limb here, but I don’t care because it’s the right thing to do. You have a choice. America lives or dies in 39 days. That’s how I look at it.”

In case you were wondering, what Sean Hannity is most worried about if Hillary Clinton is elected is that he’ll have to pay more in taxes. Hannity is a multimillionaire, and he hates the idea of having to pay his fair share. So his dire warnings have absolutely nothing to do with his “love” of country. He’s just whining because he cannot stand the thought of finally being forced to fork over some of his salary.

Here’s a bit of prophecy from me for Sean Hannity, free of charge: You’re a massive dillhole and jerkweed. And the day after the election, you’ll still be one.

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