Guess Which TV Host Calls Trump ‘Mentally Challenged’ (VIDEO)

You’ve probably seen the hilarious interviews that TV host Zach Galifianakis has done with both President Obama and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Both of the Democratic heavyweights appeared on Galifianakis’ show ‘Between Two Ferns.’ The satirical comedy airs on the website “Funny or Die.” Both videos went viral because the guests understood the concept of laughing at themselves in the interest of comedy.

After Secretary Clinton’s appearance appeared, Galifianakis talked to the Los Angeles Times about the show. In the show, which was mostly improvised, the TV host said that Mrs. Clinton shared the sense of humor for which she is known in private. He referred to her as “personable” and said the he thought she was really cool.

The interviewer asked Galifianakis if he’d be willing to have Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump appear on his show. He answered quickly in the negative.

Asked to explain, he said:

“No. That doesn’t interest me. Doing it the other way doesn’t interest me. He’s the kind of guy who likes attention — bad attention or good attention. So you’re dealing with a psychosis there that’s a little weird. I wouldn’t have somebody on that’s so mentally challenged. I feel like I’d be taking advantage of him. And you can print that.” 

Wow, that’s pretty powerful.

The well known absurdist TV host thinks that Donald Trump has a mental illness. He thinks that the man is psychotic, which is a way of saying that he barely in touch with reality.

He also thinks that it would be unfair to do a fake interview with a man who is so “mentally challenged” that he most likely wouldn’t understand the humor.

When Zach Galifianakis interviewed Secretary Clinton, he asked her questions that were pretending to be hard hitting journalism. Questions like what would happen if she got pregnant while in office and how the President liked his coffee while she was serving as Secretary of State. The Secretary sat in stony silence, her deadpan expression the only answer needed.

Can you just imagine Donald Trump sitting in silence as the host pokes fun at him? Can you see him trying to laugh at himself? What would he say? Galifianakis could ask him how he felt after he created the universe and Trump would answer with complete honesty that he felt “tremendous.”

Funny or die indeed.

Featured image by IoSonoUnaFotoCamera via Flickr. Available through Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Generic License 2.0


Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"