A**hole Trump-Supporting Republican: Veterans Are ‘Moochers’ (VIDEO)

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his backward GOP are always talking about soldiers. Supposedly they support the troops. Well, there is one RWNJ that doesn’t think too highly of our veterans.

They are all for war, but they don’t want programs to help our veterans when they get home. Ohio Republican Rep. Warren Davidson said:

“Just like workers comp out here’s got moochers, I wish that there were no vets that were the same sort of problem on our society. But part of the problem is there are some vets that are moochers and they’re clogging up the system, and we do as taxpayers want to make sure the VA filters out these folks that are pretenders. Just like we wish there were no people out there with stolen valor, but that’s a problem in the vet community, too.”

He has even accused veterans of faking sick to get medical care. He thinks that these “pretenders” are flooding the veterans health system. This guy has obviously never suffered from PTSD. No one chooses to have flashbacks and panic attacks and depression. They are not just trying to get home; they are sick and should be treated as such.

Davidson also said:

“As a veteran, I know the subpar care that many of my brothers and sisters in arms have received, and I will not be content until that is changed. Any effort to suggest I have anything other than a soldier’s passion for providing our veterans with the care they deserve is dishonest.”

Yes, we need better healthcare for veterans, but slandering some of those sick veterans who need help is not the way to do it. Over 20 veterans take their lives every day. Calling them ‘moochers’ will make them think that they are not worthy of getting help. Did you think about that, Mr. Davidson?

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com