To Young Millennials: Let Me Tell You About The Idiocy That Was George W. Bush’s Presidency (VIDEO)

We are dealing with the racism of the Baby Boomers in this election. Many of them are supporting Trump. We can still win over the millennials; they are another big group that could turn this election in our favor (i.e. electing Hillary Clinton).

The youngest Millennials are less likely to vote, and if they do vote, they vote for Third-parties. Normally, that is OK, but since we are fighting to keep our country sane, we need every vote we can get to take away from Trump.

Surveys found:

“… Third-party candidates draw their strongest support from younger voters. Twenty-six percent of voters ages 18 to 29 say they plan to vote for [Libertarian Party nominee Gary] Johnson, and another 10 percent back [Green Party nominee Jill] Stein.”

These voters don’t remember the recount in the 2000 election. We need to make sure that doesn’t happen again. If these young voters go toward third-party candidates, the election could be tipped in favor of Trump. We have to stop this from happening.

New Republic reported this about the election and the young Millennials:

“If 18-to 29-year-olds vote for third-party candidates in sufficient numbers to tip the election to Trump, it will be the consequence of a liberal failure to build an oral tradition around the Bush administration, from Ralph Nader’s vote haul in Florida through the injustice of the recount and the ensuing plutocratic fiscal policy; the 9/11 intelligence failure; the war of choice in Iraq sold with false intelligence and launched without an occupation plan; the malpractice that killed hundreds in New Orleans; the scandalousness that makes the fainting couch routine over Clinton’s emails seem Oscar-worthy; and finally to the laissez-faire regulatory regime and ensuing financial crisis that continues to shape the economic lives of young voters to this day.”

Here is a video of The Young Turks talking about the Millennial voters:

Featured image by Elizabeth Hahn via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog