Joss Whedon Makes The Best Anti-Trump Ad Yet With A ‘Sh*t Ton’ Of Famous People (VIDEO)

Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy The Vampire SlayerFirefly, and so much more. He got together a “sh*t ton” of famous people to tell you to vote. We must vote against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The actors say:

“You only get this many famous people together if the issue is one that truly matters to all of us. A disease or ecological crisis or [Don Cheadle gets the most caustic line] a racist, abusive coward who could permanently damage the fabric of our society.”

Whedon said he gave everyone the same spiel when pitching this advertisement:

“It was pretty much the same spiel to everybody: ‘Doing a voting PSA to help get out the vote and stop orange Muppet Hitler.’”

Whedon told Buzzfeed:

“It’s about targeting people who either aren’t going to vote or have been anesthetized out of voting — fighting the sort of apathy and cynicism that says, ‘It doesn’t matter if I vote,’ matters more than any single thing you’re going to do in the next two years. It’s the exact definition of democracy. It is a heroic and necessary act.”

He continued:

“We’re going to anger a lot of people, I’m sure. And we’ll miss the mark, you know? The point is to throw up as much against the wall as possible, so that we can reach some people, so we can see if something sticks — an image, a phrase, a humorous short, or a not-at-all humorous short, whatever it is that just gets some people to reconsider the idea they’re busy on Nov. 8.”

They have a website at It tells you how to register to vote in your statement. As a Whedon fan, this makes me love him even more. Listen to these smart, famous people and do not vote for Donald Trump.


Here is the advertisement:

Featured image via Twitter.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog