The Mumbling Menace: Trump Mangles Another Message (VIDEO)

In the mysterious land of Trumpspeak, one has to remember that “up” means “down” and “hot” always means “cold.”

Unless of course, “I’ll deport everybody” means “They can stay here as long as they don’t commit a crime.”

Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, also know as the King of the Liars, is once again pretending that he never said we we all heard him say.

This is getting old.

Just two days ago, after the bombings in New York and New Jersey, Trump made a phone call to his minions at Fox News so that they could “interview” him about the attacks. He told them that it was time for American law enforcement officials to start profiling people who come “from that part of the world.”

He referenced Israel, a country which is smack-dab in the middle of “that part of the world.” He said that Israel does a really great job of profiling people (meaning Arabs). Even though the United Nations has labeled Israel’s behavior as a violation of human rights, Trump thinks we should copy it. Even though our Constitution guarantees us a right to freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, Donald Trump thinks that can be suspended for people who come from “that part of the world.”

He said it. There’s even a video in the linked article above. He said that we need to profile people. He never explicitly defined “that part of the world” because he’s Donald Trump and he never, ever speaks clearly.

Now that there has been pushback against the big bloviator, he is doing his usual denial trick. “I never said what you said I said.”

He is swearing that he “never” called for profiling Muslims. He says that he didn’t specifically call for profiling of any one group or race.

Oh, sure. Look at this transcript of his Fox interview.

So here we go again.  Just because we heard him say it doesn’t mean that he, you know, said it.

Trump told another of his Fox pals that he wasn’t saying he wanted to profile Muslims. He said:

“I never said the term ‘Muslim.’ I’m saying we’re going to profile people that maybe look suspicious, I didn’t say [if] they were Muslims or not.”

Right. We’re going to “profile” people who look suspicious. If they look suspicious and the police have probably cause to stop them, then its not “profiling.”

That’s not what you meant, Mr. Trump, no matter how garbled and mangled your message was. You meant that you want the police to watch out for the scary Muslims. You want them to haul those Muslims in and search them and detain them just because you don’t like the way they look or the way they pray.

Just like they do in Israel, in fact.

You know perfectly well that you had no intention of “profiling” Christians from “that part of the world.”

We know it, too.

You can’t take back what you’ve said. You can’t just pretend that you never said it when we have the video, audio and written proof that you did.

Donald J. Trump is a big, fat liar. He is the “Mendacious Menace” and we can’t let him get away with it.

Watch this. Vintage Trumpspeak.

Featured image by thetortmaster via Flickr. Available through Creative Commons Attribution Generic 2.0 license.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"