Atheists Are No Longer The Most Hated Group In The Country (VIDEO)

As an atheist, I thought we were the group that everyone hated the most. Unfortunately, that hatred has gone to Muslims now. The Independent reported that a new study has looked into this issue.

According to a new study, Muslims are now among the most disapproved groups in the country. A new study from the University of Minnesota sociology department. They analyzed perceptions of minority faiths and religious groups. It has doubled in the last ten years. It was 28 percent, and it’s now up to 45.5 percent in 2016.

Half of the people surveyed said that they would not want their child to marry a Muslim. This is up from 33 percent ten years ago. This study also found that violence against Muslims has gone up since the 9/11 attacks.

Atheists are still hated as well; we made the list. The study from Minnesota found that atheists are one of the most distrusted groups in the country. Many people said they would never vote for an atheist in an election. Many religious people believe that atheists are immoral, and some people think we are unpatriotic or un-American.

There also isn’t any stigma surrounding hatred of atheists. It is considered OK in our society to hate non-religious people. The religious people could be insecure about their religion or beliefs.

Psychology Today reported:

“Faith – believing claims without sufficient evidence, or claiming to know things that you don’t or can’t know – is an increasingly shaky endeavor. And in order for religious faith to survive, it requires a lot of social support: the more people who share it, the easier it is to maintain and reproduce. Thus, anyone who rejects the tenets of your faith, or calls them in to question, is a threat. Atheists lack a faith in God, and thus theists are particularly threatened by the growing presence of such humans, as they call into question the very thing that is ever so shaky to begin with: religious faith.”

Here are the Young Turks talking about how Muslim hate crimes have skyrocketed:

Here is a video talking about how hated atheists are:

Featured image by derek rose via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog