Despicable Donald Trump Indirectly Threatens Clinton With Gun Violence – Again (VIDEO)

Of all the political gaffes that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has made, one of the most deplorable came last month. He suggested that gun owners could “do something about” Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton if she were to get elected. His campaign shrugged it off, claiming he was suggesting people go out and vote, and somehow, people moved past the fact that one candidate just suggested that his supporters assassinate his rival.

Have no fear: Donald J. Trump is at it again.

At a campaign rally in Miami, Fla. on Friday, Trump again suggested gun violence against Clinton. While criticizing Clinton for her desire to abolish the Second Amendment (which is an argument with zero merit), Trump made this suggestion:

“I think her bodyguards should drop all weapons. Disarm immediately, take their guns away, let’s see what happens to her. Take their guns away; it’ll be very dangerous.”

Not only does this suggestion have no place in American politics, but it is also completely hypocritical. Let’s not forget how big, bad Donald acts when he feels threatened:

Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, released a statement responding to Trump’s suggestion:

“Whether this is done to provoke protesters at a rally or casually or even as a joke, it is an unacceptable quality in anyone seeking the job of commander in chief… He is unfit to be President and it is time Republican leaders stand up to denounce this disturbing behavior in their nominee.”

Unsurprisingly, Republican leaders like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have had no comment, preferring to see their party fall off a cliff if it means they won’t get kicked out of office by an army of racist, sexist gun nuts.

But hey, Clinton is just as bad as Trump! She has the email thing! Here’s Trump suggesting his political rival would be shot if she did not travel around with armed bodyguards, just like he does:

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