GAME ON! Hillary Clinton Just Tweeted Out 20 Questions Trump ‘Needs To Answer Now’ (TWEETS)

One thing you can say for Hillary Clinton: She may be taking a few days off the campaign trail while she recuperates from pneumonia, but she isn’t just sitting around twiddling her thumbs. Instead, she’s turning up the heat on Donald Trump as polls show the race tightening.

Case in point, today the Democratic nominee posted a list of 20 questions on the Orange Menace’s favorite social media platform, Twitter, and most of them are aimed at the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which appears to be little more than a front for Trump to launder other people’s money and then attempt to deduct off his taxes. And yet we wonder why Trump doesn’t want to release his tax returns? Trust me, there’s stuff in those returns that would end his candidacy.

So let’s take a look at the questions the former Secretary of State has posed to Trump:

Let’s skip ahead a bit. If you want to read all 20 of the tweets, just direct your browser over to Clinton’s Twitter page.

#20 the one I want a response to at the debates:

As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, all of these should be asked by the moderators at the upcoming debates, which begin in September 26. If they don’t, they should never be allowed to moderate another debate for as long as they live. As Americans, we have a right to hear Trump’s answers, and to see him sweat as he tries to formulate lies instead of actually responding.

h/t The Hill

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