Get That Man A Time Machine! Trump Brags HE Would Have Prevented 9/11 (TWEETS/VIDEO)

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gave a speech about schools in Cleveland. Somehow, he managed to work talk of terrorism into the conversation. He said that he would have been tougher on terrorism and would’ve caught Osama Bin Laden before the 9/11 attacks.

Trump said:

“I would’ve been tougher on terrorism. Bin Laden would’ve been caught a long time ago, before he was ultimately caught, prior to the downing of the World Trade Center.”

He, of course, had to point out how Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton did a bad job. He again claimed that Clinton and President Barack Obama created ISIS.

Trump’s main topic was supposed to be education, but he just had to rail on Obama and Clinton. We may need to get Trump a foil hat after he said this:

“It’s all about the hidden criminal enterprise. As part of a criminal coverup.”

Bin Laden was apprehended in 2011 when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. She addressed this in a rally in North Carolina. She used this to hammer on Trump:

“It was not an easy choice, by any means. That’s why who sits at the head of the Situation Room has to be able to sort out fact from opinion, has to be able to ask the hard questions, pursue even the most difficult leads.”

“It’s a story that to me illustrates our values in such a clear, unambiguous way.”

Twitter, of course, has a hashtag for this idiotic Trump remark: #ThingsTrumpWouldHaveStopped.

There are a few funny and somewhat truthful ones.

Unfortunately, Trump’s followers are using the hashtag in a more serious way. They say:

It’s weird that his followers seem to think that Trump can save the world. It’s like he’s some kind of cult leader. They just believe he can do nothing wrong.

Featured image via Twitter.

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