Fear-Mongering Propaganda That Republicans Feed To Their Followers (VIDEO)

For those of you who have conservative relatives, you may have heard some of the fear-mongering propaganda that is coming from the right-wingers. *cough* Fox News! *cough*

Republicans are predicting the fall of our country and other ridiculous conspiracy theories that involve taking guns away. Those of us on the left know that Fox News is full of hateful lies.

RWNJs say that we are headed toward an apocalypse, and we will not survive. They paint this propaganda as fact. My conservative relatives are saying that these are things that are “going to happen.”

It is a group of conspiracy theorists hiding behind the veil of a major political party. Do you want to see an example? Check out this special guy’s website:

“America is in the advanced stages of a moral and cultural rot. The country is $19 trillion dollars in debt and is ruthlessly spending and printing its own way to financial oblivion. It is suffering from hegemony and military overreach with its 662 military bases, scattered across some 38 different countries. If the U.S. is not inciting revolution and anarchy across the globe in the name of democracy, it is deployed directly in conflicts or has military advisers on the ground to puppeteer the conflict towards its own favorable ends. 43% of all U.S. citizens are obese. Its borders are unsecured – with a 40% increase seen in illegal immigration since 2014 along. While the debates continue on exactly what to do about the immigration problem or should fences be built along the US-Mexican border, ISIS continues to exploit the situation to potentially transport foreign Islamic terrorists unto American soil. According to Covenant Eyes, an internet search group, 1 out of 5 mobile searches on the internet involves pornography. Illegal drugs continue to be both manufactured and transported into the U.S. with no apparent way of halting or stopping the flow. In the US alone, more than 15 million people abuse prescription drugs, more than the combined number of people who reportedly abuse cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants and heroin. If the war against drugs can’t be won, what luck will we ever have winning the war on terror? Does anyone remember who won Lyndon B. Johnson’s famed war on poverty? Regardless, let’s throw some more taxpayers’ money at an  issues that money along can’t fix.”

The angry, fear-mongering rhetoric coming out of the hell-hole that is Fox News is responsible for the division in this country. Just look at some of the stories they cover and you can see it.


Republicans have been blatantly trying to obstruct anything that the Democratic politicians are trying to get passed.

Here are some things that I would like to tell Fox News viewers:

1. Not Everyone Is Committing Welfare Fraud

The amount of people who commit fraud on unemployment payments is 2 percent. Only 9 percent of people on welfare are committing fraud. They are just trying to make ends meet, not live “lavishly.”

2. Deregulation Was Supposed To Create Jobs. Where Are Those?

Republicans love to try and get rid of big government regulations to open up more jobs. It really hasn’t done anything. It has actually caused a loss of jobs after the regulations went away. No research has ever concluded that deregulation was responsible for job losses.

3. They are not always right.

Anyone who tells you that they are the only ones telling the truth is lying to you.

4. They are giving you scapegoats to hate.

It has been the Liberals or the poor people or the union members or others. Do some fact checking before you jump on their hateful band wagon.


Featured image via Twitter

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com