Get Your Popcorn And S’Mores Ready! Donald Trump Is Going To Get ANNIHILATED In November! (VIDEO)

During this entire year, we have been watching Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump run a campaign that is a complete scam. Somehow, he has gotten followers. His racism, xenophobia, and lack of qualifications make him a lousy candidate for president, but somehow he still rose to the top of the GOP shit heap.

This week, The Donald made an ill-advised, last minute trip to Mexico to meet with their president. He talked to them about immigration issues. He was finally in Mexico, and he didn’t say anything about building the wall on the border and making them pay for it. He chickened out and said that they were “good people.”

That has been his signature stance for this entire campaign. He has been talking about building the wall since his campaign began last summer. Then, he came back and gave a harsh immigration speech based on lies.

Donald Trump isn’t just going to lose. It will be epic. Unfortunately, he will probably win here in the South, but that will probably be it.

He has alienated many people in the GOP. He has also alienated pretty much every minority group imaginable.

From now until election day, Trump will probably pivot on some of these issues. Hopefully, this will cause at least some of his supporters to get frustrated and stay home on election day. The die-hard fans will probably vote for him no matter what happens.

Trump supporters are not always the smartest people. As comedian, Jim Jefferies, put it:

“What happens is he says really simple shit that means nothing and then f*cking dummies — If you have ever said this sentence: ‘I like him because he’s a straight talker,’ you’re as dumb as shit. Just because someone says something simple that you understand doesn’t mean they’re a straight talker. You can say something complex and be telling the truth.”

“He goes, ‘I’m going to make America great again’ and you’re like ‘I got every word in that sentence.’ He’s like ‘I’m gonna build a wall.’ — ‘I have a wall at home! You’re a straight talker!’”

Yes, everyone please vote Blue in November. This man should not get anywhere near the White House.

Featured image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog