Trump Goes To Mexico – The Gerbil On His Head Didn’t Want To Be Involved (VIDEO/TWEETS)

Yesterday, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump headed down to Mexico to talk about immigration and the damn wall. He had a meeting with the President of Mexico, and they both spoke publicly. Apparently, he couldn’t keep his wig or gerbil or whatever small creature it is living on his head in place.

Oh, look! Here is a fresh batch of wigs for The Donald.

Actually, it is not really a wig (or so Trump claims); although, it definitely looks like one. It is such a tight comb-over that it has to be held in place by bobby pins. Other rumors are that it is made of a weave including all kinds of odd things.

This goes to show that this publicity stunt was ill-conceived and put together quickly.  It was not planned well, and his advisers were actually telling him not to go because they couldn’t get his arrangements together quick enough.

Twitter is all over it:

These kinds of things usually take weeks to plan. Also, people in Mexico hate Donald Trump; he has a 75 percent unfavorable rating over there. When the Mexican people were asked who they wanted to be president of the United States, they picked Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, 88-1.

Clinton managed to issue a severe burn to The Donald over this trip:

You don’t build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon. You do it by putting in the slow hard work of build relationships. Getting countries to work together was my job every day as your secretary of state. It’s more than a photo-op. It takes consistency and reliability. Actually, it’s just like building personal relationships. People have to get to know that they can count on you. That you won’t say one thing one day, and then say something totally different the next. And it certainly takes more than trying to make up for a year of insults and insinuations by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours and then flying home again. That is not how it works.

Here is a clip of Hillary Clinton knocking Trump’s Mexico speech:

Featured image via Twitter.

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