Ann Coulter’s New Book Says Trump Was Just Imitating ‘A Standard Retard’ (VIDEO)

Ann Coulter may have turned on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump last week for his flip-flop on immigration, but the fact remains that her fawning book on Trump came out last week. And you won’t believe some of the things she said in this book.

‘He Was Doing A Standard Retard’

Coulter’s new book is an attempt to get the masses to vote for the Republican nominee, despite his tanking poll numbers. She has a long history of incendiary language, but a passage from her book In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! might be the most offensive thing she’s ever said or written.

In the chapter “Disabled Reporter Joins Media Effort to Create More Disabled Americans,” which is an offensive title in and of itself, Coulter writes:

“Trump denied knowing that Serge was disabled, and demanded an apology, saying that anyone could see his imitation was of a flustered, frightened reporter, not a disabled person. It’s true that Trump was not mimicking any mannerisms that Serge has. He doesn’t jerk around or flail his arms. He’s not retarded. He sits calmly, but if you look at his wrists, you’ll see they are curved in. That’s not the imitation Trump was doing—he was doing a standard retard, waving his arms and sounding stupid: “’Ahhh, I don’t know what I said—ahhh, I don’t remember!’ He’s going, ‘Ahhh, I don’t remember, maybe that’s what I said!’”

Now, a rational person could (possibly) have attempted to play up Trump’s message while still stating that his behavior was offensive and inappropriate. Even though he was wrong in his message, an artful messenger may have been able to spin what Trump did. Not Coulter, though. What she did, instead, was basically say that “doing a standard retard” was OK, because he wasn’t actually mocking the reporter in question.

Wow. Thanks for helping to move that hate machine along, Ann.

Featured Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr under CC BY-SA 2.0 license

Carrie is a progressive mom and wife living in the upper Midwest.