Right Wing Talk Radio Host: This Election Made Me Realize I’m No Longer Republican (VIDEO)

It can’t be denied any longer: the Republican Party is fracturing.

Many high profile GOP politicians came out publicly saying that they won’t be backing their party’s presidential nominee, Donald Trump. And they are some pretty big names. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush have all expressed their distaste for Donald Trump and his policy decisions.

And conservative documentarian and talk show host John Ziegler can’t take it anymore.

On Tuesday Ziegler published a piece detailing how this election cycle began with him bemoaning how Trump was destroying conservatism and the GOP. And then, he had a revelation:

“However, as time has gone on I have realized that there is a flaw in my premise. I thought that I understood what it meant to be a conservative or a Republican. To me that involved believing in limited government, a strong national defense, fiscal responsibility, constitutional principles, character and honesty in our leadership, and accountability for one’s own actions. What I have been very late to realize is that none of these things are particularly important in today’s Republican Party because the platform apparently got completely changed without anyone telling me.”

Ziegler goes on to explain that the party he once believed was built on principle, loyalty, smaller government, and a strong love of the American Constitution, is now gone. In its place is a party where:

“…any particular policy or principle is completely arbitrary and is dependent on what suits our fearless leader on any given day (even, it now seems, with regard to his core campaign issue of being super tough on illegal immigration). Even more remarkable than the ever changing policy positions is how utterly irrelevant actual “issues” are to his campaign at all.”

Ziegler is particularly disgusted that in today’s GOP being a Republican doesn’t have anything to do with values or philosophy, but on falling in line on a number of different topics that Trump demands. These include bad-mouthing the media, saying Hillary Clinton of having a disease, accusing President Obama of being the founder of ISIS, and the list goes on and on.

Ziegler chides the Republican establishment for rolling over for who might be the worst candidate in the party’s history: a flip-flopper, a man with no class, and the most ill-prepared candidate to be President of the United States perhaps ever.

And Ziegler’s had enough:

“So it is now all so clear to me. It’s not that Donald Trump isn’t a conservative or a Republican. It’s that I’m not.

My bad. It won’t happen again.”

Mic drop.

Watch John in action here:

Feature image via YouTube screengrab