Refuting ‘The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal’ (VIDEO)

Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. wrote a piece in the Huffington Post about “white liberals.” She seems to be a talented writer and a lawyer, but Johnson-Huston is viewing the world through glasses that only afford her a very limited scope of vision.

Image via YouTube screengrab.

She describes herself by saying that she is an African-American Democrat who really joined the party because of our ideas of equality. She claims that Democrats have become the party of “smug, educated elites.”

Johnson-Huston continues, stating that she was proud of Democrats for electing a Black president twice and for legalizing gay marriage, but adds that she doesn’t feel there has been enough progress made for Black people.

It is important to note that all White liberals are not elitists. Liberals don’t generally look down on people with less education.

Johnson-Huston says we are more concerned with “policing people’s language and thoughts.” Yes, we do talk about “safe spaces” and “trigger words.” That is because Liberals want to be inclusive towards every group that they can.

As a white Liberal, I’m more concerned with equality than with terms. We are not all elitists. If a Liberal has a college degree, not all of us use it to look down on people with less education.

Johnson-Huston says:

“They can’t even have a conversation with someone who sees the world differently without resorting to calling someone a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigot and trying to have them banned from campus, or ruin them and their reputation.”

The writer seems to be stereotyping all Liberals because of the language they use and the way some college students are acting. Some people may not mean it, but many Liberals really do want diversity, and mean it when they say it. Liberals are generally not as concerned with all of the terms as they are with protecting everyone’s rights.

Johnson-Huston also mentions that Democrats talk about diversity, but work at places that are predominantly white. We can’t always control the demographics at our workplaces. Many of us choose a job based on the actual job description and the company. As long as the company does not discriminate, then there is nothing wrong with that.

Personally, I’m not rich. I don’t live in an all-white neighborhood. I really do want to help encourage diversity.

Here is a video discussing white Liberals:

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog