Joe Scarborough: Trump Is Just Pretending To Be Racist, Is Awesome ‘Behind Closed Doors’ (VIDEO)

Joe Scarborough, co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, has a new, lame defense of why Donald Trump acts like a racist fool. According to Scarborough, it is all part of an act. Republican presidential candidate Donald trump is actually a great guy, and The Donald we see at political rallies is actually some elaborate form of performance art.

IS Scarborough trying to pivot from his suggestion that the GOP get rid of the “train wreck” that is Donald Trump?


Here is one of the best moments of the exchange between Scarborough and Katty Kay of BBC World News:

“JOE SCARBOROUGH: Fake it ’til you make it. Fake it until you make it. And that is a question. I will say, though, one of the great ironies of this campaign, I’ve said it here on the show every day, is anybody — and Donny certainly has known Donald for a long time — anybody that knows Donald knows that that Donald last night was closer to the Donald Trump that we’ve all known for decades than the character he’s playing. Because make no mistake of it, make no mistake of it, this loud, screaming, racially insensitive, at times race-baiting buffoon that gets behind microphones at political rallies, that’s Donald Trump playing a role. I just think — unless the Donald Trump that we’ve known for 20 years is not the Donald Trump. And so I’m saying —

KATTY KAY: It’s also the Donald Trump that came up with the Muslim ban and the Mexicans being rapists and things that he’s said about women. Those are his statements, he owns them.

SCARBOROUGH: Right, right, Katty. And that’s exactly what I was saying about the guy that gets behind the microphone. I’m just saying, this is an interesting pivot because as he goes to teleprompter, he’s actually becoming more of the Donald Trump that Donny and Mika and myself and everybody else has known for decades, which is really bizarre, that he’s got to go to teleprompter to be more naturally himself. I’ll ask you this question, again. Because the list of offenses are so long. The Mexicans, the Muslims, John McCain, Megyn Kelly, etc., etc. Have you in 20 years of knowing Donald Trump behind closed doors — and I’m not asking for you to vouch for his character, I’m just trying to make this point — have you ever heard him say the first thing in private that was close to being racially insensitive. Never, right? Never.”

Apparently, Donald Trump deserves an Academy Award for fooling everyone into thinking he is a racist, sexist buffoon.

The thing about Scarborough’s defense of Trump that is so damning is he readily admits what Trump is. In the first section of the exchange, Scarborough refers to the Trump behind the microphone as:

“…Make no mistake of it, this loud, screaming, racially insensitive, at times race-baiting buffoon.”

He later goes on to list the people Trump has attacked:

The Mexicans, the Muslims, John McCain, Megyn Kelly, etc., etc.”

And yet, when dealing with a new campaign manager and a teleprompter, we are finally scratching back the surface and getting to see the “true” Donald Trump.

If Trump is truly a Daniel Day-Lewis-level method actor, then perhaps he really is secretly trying to get Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton elected and win the Senate back to the Democrats. Even if he is only playing a role, all the Conservatives who have come out in support of him don’t seem to be in on the joke.

What a flip-flop! Watch Scarborough slam Trump for being everything he just claimed he’s not. Wonder how much Trump paid him to change his mind?


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