WATCH: Angelina Jolie’s Belligerent Dad’s Cringe-Worthy Defense Of Trump’s Dumb Comments (VIDEO)

Jon Voight has gone on the record defending Trump’s Second Amendment gaffe. Voight was basically the only celebrity that featured in Trump’s Republican Convention. There is definitely a strange relationship between Trump, Voight, and his daughter Angelina Jolie.

The history of bad blood between father Jon Voight and his daughter Angelina Jolie dates back to her birth. Voight’s infidelity saw him split with Jolie’s mother and the relationship suffered as a result.

The father and daughter pair have a very “on again, off again” relationship — with the emphasis on off.

On top of this, the two seem quite ideologically opposed too, with Voight being a Trump advocate and Jolie being a spokesperson for refugees and a staunch opponent to right wing politics. It is even more bizarre that Trump has commented in the past about their father-daughter rift in the past along with most unsavory and sexist remarks about Jolie:

“Well, look, number one, I know her father. Her father is a nice guy. I think she treats him like a dog but maybe they have some kind of a thing. I think he’s a great actor and she just treats him terribly. She’s been with so many guys she makes me look like a baby, OK, with the other side. And, I just don’t even find her attractive. That has nothing to do with why I said it though.But I’m not a fan of hers, as you probably noticed.”

Watch it in this video:

With this statement, Trump places all of a woman’s value on how she looks. To add insult to injury, he also compares Angelina’s sexual history with his own, a clear double standard for women is apparent.

The feeling is more than mutual; Jolie responded (without resorting to personal attacks) to his ‘banning all Muslims’ stance with :

“To me, America is built on people from around the world coming together for freedoms, especially freedom of religion. So it’s hard to hear this is coming from someone who is pressing to be an American president,”

Voight obviously takes his endorsement and friendship with Trump very seriously, as he defends Trump’s casual reference to the Second Amendment as a way of stopping Hillary.

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