Dan Rather Fires Back At Trump And His Threats Against Clinton (VIDEO)

The legendary journalist, Dan Rather, who used to be on CBS Evening News, took to Facebook to take down Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The country (and probably the world) were shocked this week to hear Donald Trump make threats against the Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. He said:

“By the way, and if she gets the pick—if she gets the pick of her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I dunno.”

Dan Rather posted this on Facebook:

“When he suggested that ‘The Second Amendment People’ can stop Hillary Clinton he crossed a line with dangerous potential. By any objective analysis, this is a new low and unprecedented in the history of American presidential politics. This is no longer about policy, civility, decency or even temperament. This is a direct threat of violence against a political rival. It is not just against the norms of American politics, it raises a serious question of whether it is against the law. If any other citizen had said this about a Presidential candidate, would the Secret Service be investigating?”

And he continued:

“Candidate Trump will undoubtedly issue an explanation; some of his surrogates are already engaged in trying to gloss it over, but once the words are out there they cannot be taken back. That is what inciting violence means. To anyone who still pretends this is a normal election of Republican against Democrat, history is watching. And I suspect its verdict will be harsh.”

These are poignant words. It makes you wonder, how ridiculous is this election going to look when we reflect on it 10, 20, or 50 years from now. How ridiculous are Trump supporters going to look?

Here is a very poignant video comparing Trump’s supporters and protesters with people from the Civil Rights era.

Featured image from Ed Schipul on Wikipedia available under a CC Attribution-ShareAlike license.

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