‘Morning Joe’ Host Turns On Trump: ‘It’s A Scam!’

The Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) campaign seems to be going down in flames. Let’s make some popcorn and watch! Hopefully, this will lead to Hillary Clinton winning the White House. Recently, Trump insulted a Gold Star family. Now he keeps repeating classified information on air.

Many of us already know that the Trump campaign is a total sham. Now, other members of the media are finally catching on. MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski has weighed in. She said that the Trump campaign is a “scam.”

She was somewhat nice about it. She said Trump supporters “should be respected” because of how they feel. She pleaded with them to see reason when she said:

“But I worry that they don’t understand that they’re being scammed, and they’re being scammed by somebody who’s really good at it, so it’s not like, you know, it’s their fault. But I will say that it’s a scam, what Trump is selling.”

Brzezinski also said:

“Talking to Gold Star families after the biggest gaffe in probably presidential politics, candidacy’s history, what he did with the Khans — he’s just trying to clean up. I mean, do you want someone who speaks from the heart and says nothing or says anything, or do you want someone who speaks from the heart and has some principle behind it and sticks to his word? This is a scam, and it seems like he has a lot of followers.”

Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough were once caught by Anonymous when some of Trump’s voicemails were leaked back in March. There was one message where you could clearly hear the anchors, Scarborough and Brzezinski, thanking Trump for his charitable donations. Trump also asked them to go easy on him in an interview.

I guess they are no longer friends with the Donald. I don’t blame them, I wouldn’t want to be friends with the orange menace either.

Here is the Morning Joe segment where she said this:

Featured image via U.S. Department of Agriculture, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-2.0 Generic license.

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