Evangelical Christians Embrace Trump: ‘God Has Used Worse People’ (VIDEO)

Yesterday we brought you the story of the hilarious ALL CAPS memos that Trump’s advisers used to help him connect to evangelical Christian fundamentalist voters. But there is something even deeper at play with this notion of Trump as an appealing candidate to “family-values” voters. That something can be summed up by one word: delusional.

If, and this is a big if, Christian fundamentalists are indeed motivated by social issues and so-called “family values,” then their endorsement of Trump must taste like castor oil going down.

Trump at Liberty University
Image via YouTube screengrab

Trump is practically the poster child for anti-Christian values, if there are even such things in the first place.

The religious right has long hung its hat on the mythical idea known as “traditional” marriage. Trump has been married three times. They were blisteringly critical of Bill Clinton’s infidelity. Trump has admitted that he too was very publicly unfaithful to his first wife. They proclaim the Bible as the most important document ever written. Trump clearly has never read it and may not have even owned one prior to the primary. Second only to the Bible, they revere the U.S. Constitution as a divinely-inspired founding document. Trump doesn’t even know how many Articles are in it.

Some devout evangelical Christians know this. And they are mortified.

According to BuzzFeed, Marco Rubio’s former faith adviser Eric Teetsel, said:

“Those Bible-reading evangelicals may be somewhere on a scale of enthusiastic support to almost devastated resignation…but they really are mostly voting for Donald Trump.”

He continued:

“Donald Trump is a liar. That’s who he is. … He’ll burn us like he has burned everyone else in his life.”


Mr. Teetsel sees the bigger picture here. For an evangelical to endorse a man of Donald Trump’s highly dubious and unapologetic, or shall we say unrepentant, character is to gut any moral superiority the religious right might have felt it had.

One Trump supporter who spoke to BuzzFeed admitted as much when he said:

“Yeah, so he doesn’t know what 2 Thessalonians is … If that were the only thing the electorate cared about — which one’s more moral? — I’d go with Ted [Cruz]. But Donald has the skill set we’re looking for. So yeah, we’ll put our blinders on. God has used worse people.”

The mental gymnastics evangelical voters are using to rally behind Donald Trump is gold medal-worthy.

Here’s Donald Trump at Liberty University lying about his love of two Corinthians. Which two, we have no idea:

R.L. Paine is a writer, activist, and science lover. We all need to find a bit more Hitch in ourselves. “Beware the irrational, however seductive. Shun the 'transcendent' and all who invite you to subordinate or annihilate yourself...Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence...” - Christopher Hitchens