‘I Will Cut A B**ch!’ — Bill Maher Helps Hillary With New Campaign Strategy (VIDEO)

Comedian and talk show host Bill Maher has an interesting campaign strategy for Hillary Clinton: voters seem to want an angry blowhard and paint Clinton like an evil person, so maybe she should just embrace the haters.

Maher has a new nickname for her to consider: “the Notorious HRC.”

He said that she should use this strategy to try and take voters from Trump:

“Voters don’t want America’s nicest grandma! They want the wolf that puts a grandma in its teeth! They want a ruthless Mafia boss who will protect their frightened souls, which is why Hillary has to own all the nasty things the haters say and run as the ‘Notorious H.R.C.’”

Maher mentioned that Trump keeps calling her “Crooked Hillary,” so she should embrace it. Every campaign ad should end with:

“‘I’m Crooked Hillary, and not only do I approve this message, I will cut a bitch!’”

He continued:

“Hillary should say, ‘I can’t wipe out ISIS? Please. I will wipe them out and make it look like a skiing accident…My pantsuit is stitched together from the carcasses of the multitudes I have made disappear.’”

Hillary Clinton could act like a total gangster. Maher went on:

“People say, ‘Lock me up.’ Fine, lock me up. You think I’m scared of a stretch in the joint? I could run this motherf–ka from the inside. El Chapo got nothing on me.”

The Republicans would probably still hate her if she acted tough. However, she is a total badass, and I’d vote for her anyway. She is already more of a badass than Trump. He may act tough, but he is totally thin-skinned. He is also volatile, and he should never get anywhere near our nuclear codes. I will vote for the Notorious HRC anytime.

Here is the entire segment from Bill Maher’s show:

Featured image screengrab via YouTube

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com