The 6 Biggest Reasons The Donald’s Ex-Lawyer Says Don’t Vote For Trump (VIDEO)

This man, Thomas M. Wells, worked for Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) in 1987. He was 35 and Trump was 41. Wells worked on a new building project with the Donald. It was a shopping center to be called Trump Centre.

Not long after he was hired, Wells went to a meeting at a New Jersey newspaper. Afterwards, Trump told Wells about all of the women who “want” him.

This was not long after Trump Tower was built. Wells said:

“[I’ll never forget when] my married client sought to regale me with the number and quality of eligible young women who in his words “want me.”

The news painted the Trump family as living in a huge, luxurious apartment. The number of rooms changed with every report. When Wells asked him how many rooms it really was and Trump said “however many the will print.”a

He gave an impressive list of reasons we should not elect Donald Trump. Here are a few of the best ones:

1. The Lies!

Trump lies all the time. He shouts many lies from his podiums at campaign rallies. He thinks that the unemployment rate is 42 percent. He keeps throwing out many inaccurate numbers on how much his dumb wall will cost.

2. Ego

He is a rabid narcissist. He lashes out against anyone who insults him. He will not be able to be a good diplomat when he has temper tantrums like a five-year-old.

3. His Words Matter

He exaggerates everything! He uses words such as “disaster,” “stupid,” “bimbo,” “low energy,” “fantastic,” “amazing,” and many others. Also, we may not be prudes, but talking about his penis size in a national debate is pretty gross.

4. New (Hateful) Vocabulary

Trump is bringing up other nasty words as well. Wells said:

“Xenophobe (intense dislike or fear of people from foreign countries), misogynist (strong prejudice against women), nativist (preference for established inhabitants as opposed to immigrants ), fascist (authoritarian and dictatorial), bigot (intolerance for those with a different opinion), demagogue (inflaming passions based on popular desires not on rationale arguments); dystopian (describing a place, typically totalitarian, where everything is unpleasant and squalid), racist (oh, you know what this one is).” 

5. He’s Not As Successful As He Says He is.

Donald Trump may be rich, but he has had many failed business ventures. Trump University. Trump Steaks. Trump Vodka. Trump Mortgage. Trump Casinos.

6. His Especially Thin Skin.

The tiny-handed wonder may be all about the tough talk, but he is actually sensitive. He angrily lashes out at anyone who insults him. We don’t need a president who wastes time having a tantrum anytime anyone hurts his little fee-fees.

There is a multitude of reasons not to elect him. Please, please, please vote Blue in November.

Here is a news clip about just how thin-skinned the Donald really is:

Featured Image: Screenshot Via YouTube Video.

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