Harry Reid Pleads With US Intel Agencies: ‘Just Fake It’ During Trump’s Intel Briefings (VIDEO)

Donald Trump just reached a whole new level of stupid this week. I didn’t think that was possible. He straight up asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails.

This screw up is causing many people to question the decades-long tradition of allowing presidential candidates participate in classified intelligence briefings.

Many people in the intelligence community do not want Trump to gain access to our nation’s most classified secrets.

Senate Minority Leader, Harry Reid (D-Nev.), made this suggestion in an interview with the Huffinton Post:

“I would suggest to the intelligence agencies, if you’re forced to brief this guy, don’t tell him anything. Just fake it, because this man is dangerous. Fake it. Pretend you’re doing a briefing, but you can’t give the guy any information.”

He also said Trump’s comments about Russia are “worse than Watergate.”

Technically, the candidates don’t need clearances for the classified briefings. They are entitled to that information because they are presidential candidates. This tradition goes back to President Harry Truman, who created the CIA in 1947.

Some intelligence officials say that the briefings just include an analysis of current events. There are no spy secrets or anything of that nature being shared in these briefings.

Representative Adam Schiff said:

“You can’t brief just one candidate. They will give largely the same briefing to both. They will not be disclosing to Donald Trump, I am confident, anything revealing sources and methods. I think he will get a very, very top-line brief. And what’s more, that’s probably the only digestible form for him anyway.”

Donald Trump getting access to classified information is a very scary thing to think about. When officials are saying give him fake information, that can’t be a good sign.

I’m wondering… Can Trump even get a security clearance? They look at your criminal records, marriages, bankruptcies, and pretty much everything else.

#TreasonousTrump proves how dangerous he is time and time again. Here is an MSNBC report that tears down Trump, and his horribly inappropriate remarks:


Featured Image: Screenshot Via YouTube Video.

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