America Ferrera And Lena Dunham Delivered An Epic Takedown Of Trump During The DNC (VIDEO)

America Ferrera and Lena Dunham gave an epic speech taking down Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention (DNC). The speech started with an exchange of epic sarcasm-soaked daggers aimed at the Cheeto Menace. The opening lines were:

“Dunham: Hi, I’m Lena Dunham and according to Donald Trump my body is probably like a two.

Ferrara: And I’m America Ferrera, and according to Donald Trump, I’m probably a rapist.

Dunham: But America, you’re not Mexican.

Ferrara: And President Obama isn’t Kenyan, Lena, but that doesn’t stop Donald.

Dunham: We know what you’re thinking. Why should you care what some television celebrity has to say about politics?

Ferrara: And we feel the same way, but he is the Republican nominee.”

In another part of the speech, America said:

“Look. Donald’s not making America great again. He’s making America hate again. And the vast majority of us, we cannot afford to see his vision of America come to be.”

“Luckily, we the voters carry the future of this country. We don’t accept hatred as the norm in our communities. So why would we ever accept it in the Oval Office?”

Dunham and Ferrera hosted a campaign event in March. Dunham wrote about her support Clinton in a “travelogue,” she said:

“I believe that nothing will send a stronger message to America and the world at large than electing a competent, experienced, and brilliant woman to the highest office in the land. Our first female president would send a message that we are here. We are ready to lead. In fact, she has been leading all along.”

Ferrera said that Donald Trump’s hatred toward immigrants “will serve brilliantly to energize Latino voters and increase turnout on Election Day against you.”

Dunham said this about Trump’s views on women:

“I’m a pro-choice, feminist, sexual assault survivor with a chronic reproductive illness. Donald and his party think I should be punished for exercising my constitutional rights, and his rhetoric about women takes us back to a time when we were meant to be beautiful and silent.”

These ladies are right on! Check out the entire speech from the convention online:

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