BUSTED! Texas Schools Caught Showing Anti-Evolution Videos In Science Class

Sometimes teachers make some stupid mistakes and show or teach inappropriate things to their students. This teacher in Texas went too far. She showed the Christian stereotype-laden God’s Not Dead and the anti-Evolution film, Expelled: Intelligence Not Allowed. 

The teachers showed God’s Not Dead in health class, and they showed Ben Stein’s documentary, Expelled, in science class.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation Staff Attorney, Sam Grover, said:

“Intelligent design is a religious belief, not a legitimate scientific theory. The district has a duty to ensure that ‘subsidized teachers do not inculcate religion’ or use their positions of authority to promote a particular religious viewpoint.” 

The school district’s response included this school policy:

“The District shall address controversial topics in an impartial and objective manner. Teachers shall not use the classroom to transmit personal beliefs regarding political and sectarian issues. Students and educators shall ensure that, to the extent possible, discussions are conducted fairly and courteously.”

They obviously do not agree with the separation of church state.

Extremist David Lane said:

“Egregious and scandalous is the Church’s submission to secularists, and the resignation of America’s Founder’s mission, ‘We do hereby Dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth.’”

These schools need to re-educate themselves on the First Amendment. They should not be showing or teaching anything that is so biased in their classrooms. They claim to be training their teachers on Establishment Clause issues; it shouldn’t take training. Don’t push religious beliefs in the classroom…that’s it. I could make that class last less than five minutes.

Here is a trailer for God’s Not Dead. See how biased it is for yourself:

Image via Patheos.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com