United Methodist Church Elected Its First Lesbian Bishop

The United Methodist Church has officially elected its first openly gay bishop. Awkwardly overlooking proper qualifications for ordination and finally aligning itself with the rest of America, the United Methodist Church has ordained Reverend Karen Oliveto of the Western division of the church.

Who Is Reverend Karen Oliveto?

Originally from Long Island, Reverend Karen Oliveto has been a parish minister throughout New York and California. She first became a minister at San Francisco State University in 1989. Reverend Karen Oliveto has always been one to connect the church with the realities of gay Americans, with her being an influential person who has expanded the congregation at the Bethany United Methodist Church. A Ph.D. holder in Religion and Society from Drew University, Reverend Karen Oliveto has worked in numerous institutions as an adjunct professor. She is one of the appointed leaders in the Reconciling Ministries Network, an organization that centers biblical and theological ideas.

Other Places of Worship That Have Supported LGBT

In a relatively short amount of time, Americans have drastically shifted their attitudes when it comes to gay people. In 2001, Americans opposed gay marriage by a margin of 57 percent to 35 percent. 15 years later, the majority of Americans now support gay marriage. The younger generation has expressed high levels of acceptance of LGBT folk, and that same type of hortatory energy have also been expressed in the Christian church as of late.

In October 2014, the Vatican introduced a dramatic shift in the treatment of gay people. This had a ripple effect in the Christian community, with many church leaders also adopting a more inclusive mindset. Bishops and parish ministers from the Church of England’s evangelical wing, the Episcopal Church, and the Presbyterian Church had also become more sympathetic to gay people.

Things Aren’t As Pristine Within The Methodist Church

However, Bishop Bruce Ough, president of the United Methodists Church’s Council of Bishops, has warned that this may potentially splinter the church members. He warned that some may see the commencement of Reverend Karen Oliveto as a threat to church law, while some will applaud her presence in the church.


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Core competencies are in business administration and urban development, but an avid political writer, activist, and radical centrist at night. Not politically correct, but not a degenerate. I write about things that interest me - hopefully, they'll interest you.