WATCH: Trump VP Pick Mike Pence Accuses Nancy Reagan Of ‘Desecrating’ Ronald’s Memory

Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) finally announced his running mate this week. Out of all of the Republicans from whom he could choose, he picked Mike Pence, who is the Republican governor of Indiana. He is also a moron.

He committed a major Republican faux pas at an interview in 2004. A reporter asked how conservatives can ensure Reagan’s legacy lives on. Pence completely botched his answer. According to the Progressive:

“…With index finger wagging, Pence strangely pivoted and attacked none other than Ronald Reagan’s newly minted widow, Nancy Reagan, for invoking the president’s name in her support of using fetal tissue in stem cell research to find cures for many diseases, including Alzheimers.[sic]”

Pence went on to say that:

“I pray for the family.  I’ve buried parents. I’ve buried people I love, but those that would erode the sanctity of human life in the law, by advancing embryonic stem cell research in the name of Ronald Reagan, would do more than desecrate his memory than I can possibly imagine. He was devoted to the sanctity of human life and we need to continue within our party and within our country to courageously advance those same ideals that he advanced.  And that’s the greatest tribute we can make.”

Gov. Pence adamantly opposes stem cell research for Alzheimer’s disease. Nancy Reagan watched her husband deteriorate and die from this horrible disease. Gov. Pence accused her of being too emotional, and he said Nancy was “desecrating” her husband’s memory.

In President Ronald Reagan’s last letter to the country, he said:

“Unfortunately, as Alzheimer’s disease progresses … the family often bears a heavy burden. I only wish there was some way I could spare Nancy from this painful experience. When the time comes I am confident that with your help she will face it with faith and courage.”

Pence is disgusting man and doesn’t need to be in the White House.

Here are his remarks from the interview:

Featured Image: Screenshot Via YouTube Video And Images Of Nancy Reagan By Marion Doss Via Flickr/CC by SA-2.0.

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