WATCH: Amy Schumer’s Latest Skit Is So Epic It Was Banned From TV

Amy Schumer has done some brilliant political sketches on her show, Inside Amy Schumer. Her latest sketch was so epic that it was banned from television. Jon Benjamin plays a lawyer at an injury law firm. He says that there are no laws to stop gun violence. They interviewed a fake victim who said that they were unable to do anything about her disability. The assailant who shot her was able to get a gun so easily.

Benjamin opens with this in his dry, sarcastic delivery:

“Have you been injured in a mass shooting or other gun crime? Do you want justice? Hi, I’m Toby Shrak of the law firm of Shrak and Murphy. But don’t call me, because there’s nothing I can do.”

This bit was supposed to be on her gun control episode, but it was deemed too dark. It has come out of hiding since the Orlando massacre.

We need to spread awareness of the NRA’s stupidity and our Congressmen’s lack of action. It shows how we are at the mercy of the gun lobbyists and the people that they have bought out.

This is not the first time she has talked about guns. In an SNL sketch, she said:

“We need a background check system without holes and fatal flaws. We need one with accurate information that protects us like a firewall. The critics scoff and say well, there’s no way to stop crazy people from doing crazy things but they’re wrong. There is a way to stop them. Preventing dangerous people from getting guns is very possible. We have common-sense solutions. We can toughen background checks and stop the sale of firearms to folks who have a violent history or history of mental illness. We can invest more in treating mental illness instead of slashing funding.”

This is not Amy’s first foray into political satire. She did an epic sketch on women’s rights. She reminded us that when we go to the OB/GYN’s office, we bring all of our elected officials in with us. She brilliantly did a sketch with politicians in the room at her exam.

See the full version of the banned video on Comedy Central, or if you’re too squeamish, watch a small, PG-13 clip here:

Featured Image: Screenshot Of Comedy Central Video Via YouTube.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog