WATCH: President Obama Makes A Friendship Bracelet To Show That Registering To Vote Is Easier

In case it has escaped your notice, the U.S. will be having a pretty important election this November. We’ll be picking the next occupant of the famous Oval Office, and that’s a big deal.

Which means that we all need to get out there and vote, vote, vote!

Buzzfeed wants you to remember that it’s your civic duty as an American to cast your vote for the candidate of your choice. They know that a lot of people think its too time consuming to go and register, but they want to tell you that’s just a feeble excuse.

Did you know that there are all kinds of things that are way harder to do than register to vote?

All kinds of things.

Buzzfeed put together a list of five of those things, and they asked President Obama to help demonstrate. They went to the Oval Office and filmed the President doing five things that are harder than registering to vote.

For example, did you know that its harder to make a friendship bracelet for your BFF than it is to go to the City Clerk’s Office to register? Here’s proof:

I love the look on his face. I wonder if the bracelet is for Michelle or Joe?

Its even harder to untangle headphones than to register for voting. Those tiny wires just kind of cling to each other for some reason. Like wire hangers.

Image via YouTube video.

According to the article it’s easier to name every “Game of Thrones” character who has died so far than it is to register. It’s also apparently easier to sign up at the local registrar’s office than it is to do anything in that old kid’s game “Operation.”

Both of those are definitely true for me! I guess President Obama and I have these weaknesses in common.

You have to check out the really funny BuzzFeedVideo below. The President’s facial expressions alone are worth it.

But first you have to register to vote. You must. You gotta. You need to. Not an option.

If you’re seriously too lazy to drag your butt downtown to sign up at City Hall, you can click this link and Buzzfeed will get you registered.  Register right here!

Now watch this:

h/t to Buzzfeed

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"