BREAKING: Bernie Sanders Admits He Will Not Be The Democratic Nominee (Video)

After months of hanging on and saying he would continue his campaign until the Democratic convention in July, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has finally said that he realizes he will not be the nominee.

Appearing on C-SPAN today, Sanders was asked what his role would be at the convention, which will be held in Philadelphia. He replied:

“It’s hard to say. It doesn’t appear that I’m going to be the nominee so I’m not going to be determining the scope of the convention.”

This is the first time Sanders has said publicly that he will not be the nominee of the Democratic Party for President.

Sanders did urge Democrats to “create the most progressive platform as we possibly can reflecting the needs of working families and students and the environment, health care, and so forth.”

When asked if he thought his supporters would switch their allegiance to Donald Trump, who is perceived as an outsider like the Senator from Vermont, Sanders said:

“The vast majority of the people who voted for me understand that Donald Trump in a dozen different ways is literally unfit to be president of the United States. And it’s not only his views on the issues… but mostly his making bigotry the cornerstone of this campaign.”

Senator Sanders should be commended for all of the positive issues and much-needed debate he has been able to generate with his amazing campaign. This time a year ago, no one thought it possible for him to do as well as he has. His success is a tribute to the amazing power of people who unite for a common goal. And the next goal is to defeat Donald Trump in November.

To see the full interview, click HERE

Featured Image Via C-SPAN Screengrab