Rubio: I Don’t Trust Trump With Nuke Codes, But He Can Be POTUS (VIDEO)

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) will always keep a promise. That’s a good thing, right? Maybe not. Consider the fact that on February 26th Sen. Rubio said that Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) should not be trusted with the job of Commander in Chief.

Voting for Trump would mean giving the world’s most powerful job to someone with no substance. He added that it would mean turning over:

“The nuclear codes of the United States — to an erratic individual — and the conservative movement — to someone who has spent a career sticking it to working people.”

Let me be very clear. Sen. Rubio called The Donald “an erratic individual” on CNN, and said the he could not be trusted to hold the codes to the world’s greatest arsenal of nuclear weapons.

That is an extremely terrifying thought. Sen. Rubio made the statement when he was running for President against Trump, though. Many former rivals become supporters once the primaries are over. Maybe the senator has reconsidered his concerns about the nukes.

Not so fast.


Sen. Rubio told the Weekly Standard yesterday that he has not changed his mind, and when specifically asked if he still felt that Trump cannot be trusted with the nuclear codes, the senator said:

“I stand by everything I said during the campaign.”

Good for Marco. He understands the incredible danger that the entire world would be facing if the U.S. nuclear arsenal fell into the hands of an unstable leader.

One would assume that fearing the annihilation of the entire human race would be enough to stop the senator from supporting Trump.


You see, Sen. Rubio made a promise. He signed a pledge. A pledge that Trump himself originally refused to sign. A pledge that has no legal binding. A pledge that all of the Republican leaders backed when they thought former Governor Jeb Bush (R-Fla.) would be the nominee.

Now that the nominee is actually the erratic, bigoted con-man that they all hate, Sen. Rubio finds himself inexplicably bound by his promise to support whomever is the GOP nominee. He has promised, so he will vote for the Republican. No matter how unstable and dangerous he might be.

Rubio would not explain what it was about Hillary Clinton that he found more horrific than the thought of nuclear war. He simply repeated that he has no more to add to the discussion.

It’s quite possible that Rubio’s main objection to Secretary Clinton is the letter “D” that follows her name on the ballot.

Meaning that our system is now so dysfunctional that Republican leaders would prefer to risk the entire planet to nuclear war than pull the lever for the a Democrat.

If you want to see pure cowardice in action, watch the video below as Jake Tapper interviews the despicable Sen. Rubio.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"