PROOF: Trump’s Tweets Are Ugly And Hateful

By now we have all heard Donald Trump’s attacks. He rants at anyone who disagrees with or opposes him, calling them childish names and saying that they haven’t been “nice” to him.

People like Kareem Abdul Jabbar have called him out for his immature behavior and choice of words.

Now we have actual proof that the majority of comments made by Trump on the campaign trail are negative.

Vox reported on an exhaustive analysis of thousands of tweets by both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The writer who analyzed the tweets, Zachary Crockett, put himself through the ordeal of breaking down the most recent 2,000 tweets from each candidate.

The result was proof positive that Trump is going for media hype while Clinton actually tweets about policy issues.

Crockett used a tool called a sentiment analysis to evaluate whether language is positive, neutral, or negative. That analysis showed that Trump relies on negativity to spread his message. It found that 45-percent of his tweets were negative.

Clinton’s tweets were 23-percent negative by contrast.

Looking at the word choices of the two candidates showed even more clearly that Trump relies on insults.  Among Trump’s most used adjectives, 60-percent were negative. These included words like “crooked,” “dishonest,” “failing,” and “weak.”

By comparison, only 20-percent of Clinton’s adjectives were negative. Her negative words were less personal as well, including words like “systemic,” “hard,” and “serious.”

It was also interesting to look at who each candidate tweeted at the most. The analysis found that nine of the top 10 accounts that Trump tweeted at were media accounts. Meanwhile, nine of the top 10 that Clinton tweeted to where politicians, including Barack Obama, Gabbie Giffords, and Bill Clinton.

Finally, the analysis showed that Clinton tweeted about a wide range of policy issues, including taxes, education, guns, and health. Trump tweeted far less often about any of those policy concerns.

The only three policy areas which Trump’s tweets covered more than Clinton’s were immigration, the economy, and terrorism.  He used the word “ISIS” an astonishing 40 times.

The conclusion that we have to draw from this analysis is that our impressions of Trump are accurate. He uses negativity and insults to drive home his arguments. He relies on fear. He is focused almost entirely on the media.

If you were thinking that Donald Trump is a vile, insulting, fear mongering, attention grabbing political lightweight, you were correct.

Vox has just given us the proof.

Just to prove that Trump’s idiocy didn’t start with the current campaign, I give you the following video.

Featured image via Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"