Abandoned In Wilderness By Parents – 7-Year-Old Found Alive (TWEETS and VIDEO)

We all misbehaved at some point during our childhoods. We didn’t listen to our parents, we ran off and played where we weren’t supposed to. But we never got punishment like this.

These Japanese parents inflicted the worst punishment I could even imagine. They just dropped their child off and left him to fend for himself in a bear-infested forest. The boy, Yamato Tanooka, was found by the authorities today after fending for himself for a week.

He walked over three miles and found a hut to take shelter in. He was found huddled between a pair of old mattresses. He was discovered by a soldier, because the hut he stumbled into is on a military base. The father said:

“The first thing I said to my son was, ‘I’m very sorry to have caused you to face this suffering because of me.'” 

The boy just nodded. The father also said:

“I deeply apologize to people at his school, people in the rescue operation, and everybody for causing them trouble.” 

The boy was taken to the hospital where he was treated for dehydration and exhaustion. This sick, a-hole father actually said:

“I really didn’t think it would come to that. We went too far. I thought we were doing it for my son’s own good.”

Yes, he thought that would do his son some good? Now the kid will probably be afraid to do anything. The child could have been mauled by a bear or just died from being left in the woods with no food and water. I don’t have kids, but I can’t possibly imagine what parent would think this was a good idea.

Here is a taste of the Twitter feed on this story:


This is probably one of the most disgusting punishments I have ever heard of. I don’t care what the child was doing; this is inexcusable.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com