Homeless LGBT Man Loses Life to Hate Crime Injuries (VIDEO)

Did you know that violence against transgender individuals is on the rise? Last year, The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs reported that while violence against issues surrounding LGBT people is declining overall in the U.S., crimes specifically against trans individuals are on the rise, increasing 13 percent more than the all-embracing trend.

Last week, a 38-year-old transgender man was severely beaten at a Vermont homeless shelter. When the attack was first announced, it was being described as a “possible hate crime” involving aggravated assault.

“Could this be a bias incident? Yes, it’s on the table, whether or not that bears on why this particular assault happened is yet to be determined,” said Detective Lt. Shawn Burke.

When the injured man, Amos Beede of Milton, was examined by doctors at the University of Vermont Medical Center, he was found to have multiple injuries, including head trauma, facial fractures and broken ribs. When police found the victim, he was unconscious and unable to communicate.

Police were questioned about the status of the man, and they explained why they had reason to believe the incident was a hate crime.

“Criminal investigations involve a victimology, and part of this victim’s victimology is that he identifies as a trans man,” Burke said.

Today, the homeless man succumbed to his injuries, according to police.

Initially, police predicted a positive prognosis for Beede, expecting him to recover quickly. Now, police are asking for more information on Beede’s whereabouts.

“I hope somebody would have some more information about this individual,” Dr. Kim Fountain of the Pride Center of Vermont said. “We would love to be able to reach out, to find support in any way we can, and that is going to be part of the planning this evening, is to find out ways the community can support this individual.”

When will all the hate-filled violence against individuals who are outside the standard finally come to an end? This man, and all the other transgender folks in the world, did not deserve to lose his life this way. Being homeless is hard enough; the last thing these people need are to be targeted by people incapable of accepting anyone different from them.

This incident is a disgustingly unethical example of bigotry and hate, and the cost is trans people’s lives. It’s time for people to practice what our nation constantly preaches – celebrating diversity. If we cannot accept diversity, we can never advance as a human race because we will remain in the past as spiteful, hateful people.


Featured image via Flickr by Garry Knight under a Creative Commons 2.0 license

Laura Muensterer is a public relations student minoring in psychology at the University of North Texas. She also writes for EDM World Magazine. In addition to her remote jobs, Laura is a PR intern at J.O. Design in Fort Worth, as well as an editorial intern for Southlake Style the magazine.