WATCH Racist Trump Supporter Verbally Abuses Hispanic McDonald’s Employee

Trump is not exactly a friend of the Hispanic population. He opened his campaign back in June by calling Mexicans drug dealers and rapists. We were hopeful that this hatred would keep him from going very far in the race. Trump has pulled the racist population of America out of hiding.

He has since tried to pander to Hispanic voters. On Cinco De Mayo, he tweeted out a picture of himself eating a taco bowl.

Well, his supporters are just as bad, if not worse. There is a viral video going around with a Trump supporter harassing a Hispanic McDonald’s employee. A local insurance broker, Ang Hernandez, caught the incident on video, and now it has gone viral on Facebook.

Hernandez was eating lunch with some of her clients when she witnessed the incident. The guy was wearing a Trump t-shirt. He harassed the Hispanic custodian. He purposely threw his trash on the floor and was telling the employee to go back to Mexico.

Hernandez said she tried to confront the man, but he pointed to his shirt and called her a racial slur.

Thanks to Trump’s extreme views on immigrants and Hispanics, many of his supporters are parroting his racist rhetoric. He has said that immigrants are destroying the country.

Trump has actually been caught hiring foreign workers for some of his resorts, though. Hypocrite much?

Trump is not alone in his racist hatred. Bill O’Reilly said such racist things about black people that even Trump was taken aback:

“How are you going to get jobs for them? Many of them are ill-educated and have tattoos on their foreheads, and I hate to be generalized about it but it’s true. If you look at all the educational statistics, how are you going to give jobs to people who aren’t qualified for jobs?”

I hope this bigoted Trump supporter feels some shame after being caught online.

Featured image is a video screengrab.

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